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1. The Concepts of Kaptain  
2. Invoking Kaptain  
3. Grammar Scripts  
4. Examples  
5. External Control  
6. Errors  
7. Reference of Special Symbols  
A. Reference of Modifiers  
Concept Index  Concept index.

This is a manual for Kaptain, the Universal Graphical Front-end.

Copyright © 2000, 2001, 2002 Zsolt Terék

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1. The Concepts of Kaptain

Kaptain is a universal graphical front-end. It was originally developed in order to provide a simple and efficient tool for creating dialog-based interface for command line programs. Now, its communication features allow it to serve the graphical user interface of a program without directly using a graphical library, such as GTK or Qt.

When Kaptain is started, it reads a so-called grammar script. This is a text file, which contains a description in a form of a context-free grammar and optionally some other instructions. This manual refers to the input file of Kaptain as a grammar script. See 3. Grammar Scripts for a complete overview on grammar script syntax.

According to the grammar script, Kaptain builds a graphical dialog box. Certain parts of the dialog box are associated with certain elements of the grammar. This association is quite natural, thats why Kaptain's language is so easy to learn.

In the dialog box, several widgets are present. These objects can be manipulated by the user--text can be entered into input fields, checkboxes can be set on and off. When a certain push button is pressed, Kaptain reads the data specified by the user in the dialog box and uses the context-free grammar to generate text. The generated text is then executed as a command, just like as if it were entered at the command prompt.

Suppose we have a program named prog that runs in two different modes. For its first mode, an integer parameter should be given, and the second mode needs some text as parameter. An example for starting prog in its first mode:
and in second mode
Kaptain is a perfect tool for creating a graphical front-end for this program. First of all, we need to describe the possible command lines with a grammar.
start -> "prog " parameter ;
parameter -> "-x " @integer | "-y " @string ;

The grammar in the example above is almost enough for Kaptain to build a dialog containing an integer input box and a string input field, each having a radio button. Additionally a push button is needed and some text might be specified in order to label the input fields.

Given a file containing such a description, Kaptain parses the grammar and builds a dialog box. When the push button is pressed, the text is generated according to the settings of the user.

The complete grammar for the program above might look like this:
start -> "prog " parameter @action(start)="Ok";
parameter -> x | y ;
x "First mode" -> "-x " @integer;
y "Second mode" -> "-y " @string;

According to the settings in the figure, the generated text is `prog -x 0', since the first radio button is selected.

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2. Invoking Kaptain

Kaptain needs a grammar script in order to display the dialog. This is usually located in a file, and the name of that file is passed to Kaptain as an argument. The grammar script can be written to the standart input of Kaptain, too.

The running mode of Kaptain can be normal or test mode. In test mode, commands are not executed, they are printed to the standard output instead.

The command line of Kaptain generally looks like this:
Kaptain [options] file
If the file is omitted, the standard input is used as a source for the input file.

Some options are used to specify running mode, while others set up different kinds of communication channels for external control. Kaptain accepts the following switches and parameters:

Print out the version information of Kaptain end quit.

Write a brief help on command line options.

Run in test mode. This means that commands are not executed when a button is pressed, only printed to the standard output.

Report more information on processing the input file. Internal representation of the grammar and the dialog tree is also printed. Use this flag if Kaptain does not work as expected.

`-c host:port'
`--client host:port'
Establish communication channel as a client connecting to a server on host listening on port.

`-s port'
`--server port'
Listen to the specified port and accept the first connection. This will be used as a communication channel.

`-p command'
`--pipe command'
Start the given command and communicate with it on its standard input and output. Don't forget to quote command if it contains spaces or other metacharacters used by the shell.
Use standard input and output for communication. In this case you must specify an input file, thus grammar script cannot be read from the standard input when it is used as a communication channel.

Instructs Kaptain not to process messages recieved on the input channel.

If this flag is set, Kaptain will not send any messages on its output channel.

These are the possible parameters and options accepted by Kaptain called from the command prompt.

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3. Grammar Scripts

The input file of Kaptain is a grammar script. It contains the description of a context-free grammar in a form of rules. Beside the rules, it might also contain so-called descriptions and constraints.

Comments can be placed in grammar scripts. Hashmark (`#') is a comment character, which means that all characters after the hashmark up to the end of the line are ignored together with the hashmark. This is not true if the hashmark appears inside a quoted string, see 3.3 Quotations.

3.1 Grammars  
3.2 Special symbols  
3.3 Quotations  
3.4 Regulas expressions and translations  
3.5 Using text manipulation in grammar rules  

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3.1 Grammars

The program Kaptain reads an input file containing the description in the form of a context-free grammar. The concept of context-free grammar is coming form formal linguistic. A grammar is built up of several rules. Each rule contains a left hand side symbol and some symbols on the right hand side separated by an arrow:
start -> "progname" options parameters ;
An interpretation of a rule is the following. The symbol on the left hand side, which is a nonterminal symbol is considered as the concatenation of the symbols on the right, which can be either nonterminal or terminal symbols. In a Kaptain grammar, symbols are separated by whitespace and rules should end with a semicolon.

Nonterminal symbols are similar to variables in other programming languages. Their name can contain alphanumeric characters and underscore, and should not begin with numbers.

Terminal symbols are written between quotation marks. Kaptain has many ways for specifying terminal symbols, see 3.3 Quotations

The text generation process is an iterated application of rules on the current sentence. Starting from the nonterminal symbol `start', every step consists of an application of a rule. This means that a nonterminal symbol in the current sentence--which is the left hand side of the applied rule--is replaced by the symbols on right hand side of the rule. This process ends if there are no more nonterminal symbols in the current sentence.

To illustrate text generation, let us have the following grammar:
start -> "Your " animal "is " size ;
animal -> "dog " ;
animal -> "cat " ;
size -> "big." ;
size -> "small." ;

Starting with the sentence `start', only the first rule can be applied. The current sentence is then `"Your " animal "is " size'. Here both `animal' and `size' is nonterminal, thus any of the rules but the first can be applied. This way exactly four different sentences can be generated by this grammar:
Your dog is big.
Your cat is small.
Your dog is big.
Your cat is small.

As a syntactic simplification, different rules of the same left hand side can be written in one complex rule using `|' character as a separator of the different right hand sides. The grammar above is equivalent to the following:
start -> "Your " animal "is " size ;
animal -> "dog " | "cat " ;
size -> "big." | "small." ;

The set of sentences that can be generated using a certain grammar is called the language generated by that grammar. Formal languages is a branch of mathematics that deals with languages and grammars.

3.2 Special symbols  

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3.2 Special symbols

The expression power of grammars is great. However, sometimes it is quite comlicated to express simple things. For example, the definition of numbers is quite long and messy: (Of course, it is possible to write a different grammar for the numbers, this is not a unique definition.)
number -> digits ;
digits -> digit digits | digit ;
digit -> "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" 
       | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9" ;

Beside terminal and nonterminal symbols, Kaptain offers so-called special symbols to appear in grammars. Special symbols always start with `@'. Such a symbol almost always refers to a widget in the dialog. For example `@integer' represents a widget, which is a rectangular area where the user can write a decimal number. The special symbol evaluates to the value that it contains at the time of the text generation process.

Special symbols may accept different number of parameters and an optional initial value. The general form is as follows:
@specname(param_1, param_2, ..., param_n)=initvalue
If no parameters are given, the parentheses can be omitted. The same simplification can be applied to the initvalue, what's more, equality sign must not be written if no initvalue is present. The following forms are thus enabled:
@specname(param_1, param_2, ...)
@specname(param_1, param_2, ...)=initvalue
Note that the number and type of parameters is not unique, but if Kaptain cannot interpret a certain parameter in some position, then it will be simply ignored.

The complete reference of special symbols can be found in 7. Reference of Special Symbols.

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3.3 Quotations

Quotations are the constructions for specifying a literal string, which is a terminal symbol in the grammar. Kaptain understands a great variety of quotations in order to make it possible to write character sequences in the easiest way. The possibble quotations are similar to those of the language perl and the unix shells.

Double quotes
Strings between double quotes are weakly quoted strings. This means that some characters are treated as meta-characters. For example, backslash (\) is an escape-character. The following escape-sequences are available: \n, \t, \", \\. Other characters are not modified if preceeded by backslash. This way one can place double quote character inside a string:
"Double quotes \" are easy to write."
which stands for
Double quotes " are easy to write.

An other meta-character is the dollar sign ($), which is used for inserting environmental variables into strings. For example in "$HOME/hello" the sequence $HELLO is replaced by the content of the HELLO environmental variable. If the environmental variable name contains other characters than letters, the following form should be used: ${ANY89}.

This kind of quotation should always end on the same line it was started. If the end-of-line symbol is reached within the string, Kaptain prints a warning.

Single quotes
Strings quoted by a single apostrophe are strongly quoted strings. This means that each character inside the string stands for itself, except the apostrophe, which always means the ending of the string. There is no way to include apostrophe in single quoted strings.
'No way to have apostrophes in this string'
This kind of quotation should always end on the same line it was started. If the end-of-line symbol is reached within the string, Kaptain prints a warning.

Strings in backquotes are treated in a special way. Immediately after the string is parsed, Kaptain executes the given string as a shell command, and inserts the text it has written to the standard output instead of the original string. For example, placing `ls` evaluates to a string which contains the file names of the current directory. An easy way to create a list box containing the available files is the following:
Since command ls returns the files separated by a newline symbol, `@list' inserts the different lines of its parameter value as different list items. See section 7. Reference of Special Symbols.

The commands are passed to `/bin/sh', so any shell constructions can be given, e.g., pipes.

Using backquots is a strong form of quoting: there are no special characters. As a consequence of this, no backquote (`) can appear inside.

Perlish single quotes
Single quotes are used when no apostrophes appear in the string. Perl introduced a quotation form where the user chooses the most appropriate delimiter and any other character can be placed between the delimiters without modification. The following
q%any characters except the delimiter%
is evaluated to
any characters except the delimiter
and the delimiter character, here % can be replaced by any except the following: letters, numbers, ;().=:_- and whitespace.

The letter `q' at the beginning stands for quotation.

Perlish exection quotes
Analogous to the previous generalization of single quotes, perl generalizes backquotes using the following form:
x%shell command line not containing the delimiter%
which evaluates to
shell command line not containing the delimiter
The delimiter can be of the same set as above, and the letter `x' stands for execution.

Multiline quotes
A long string spreading on more than one line is usually written using the line-delimiter construction.

When Kaptain parses two less signs (<<), the text up to the end of the line is stored as a delimiter string and it starts to scan a quotation. The quotation is ended if a line occurs that is exactly same as the delimiter string.

Here goes
the long text
The sample above evaluates to the following two lines:
Here goes
the long text
The ellipses indicates that the << sequence needs not to be on the beginning of a line. The quotation above is equivalent to the following:
... "Here goes\nthe long text"

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3.4 Regulas expressions and translations

3.4.1 Regular expressions  
3.4.2 Substitutions  
3.4.3 Transliterations  

All expressions mentioned here use / (slash) as bounding character. This can be replaced by any expect letters, numbers, blanks, underscore, hyphen and semicolon. But the beginning and the ending bounding characters must be the same, there is no way to refer to that character inside the expression. For example, instead of m/hello/, one can write m%hello%, m^hello^, and so on.

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3.4.1 Regular expressions

Kaptain understands regular expressions like grep or perl. For a detailed review, type man grep or man perlre at the command prompt. You can give a regular expression as a parameter to some special symbols, like this:
@string(m/$[0-9]*^/, ...

Here m/$[0-9]*^/ means that the string value in the input line must match the corresponding regular expression. In this particular case, this means the user can only type integers into the line input field.

When parentheses are found in the regular expression, a subexpression is matched which can be referred with \d where d is a digit. (\1, \2, ... \9) For example:
          "First_name Last_name",
          "Albert Einstein Dr.", "Isaac Newton", "Rudolf Kepler")
Here the regular expression matches each separate string and the subexpressions match the first and the second word. In this case, a twocolumn listview is displayed, each line contains a name. The first column contains their first name, the second the last name. Note that the third word "Dr." in line "Albert Einstein Dr." is not matched by the second subexpression, so it is not displayed.

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3.4.2 Substitutions

Substitution is based on regular expression matching just like in perl or sed. (For some metacharacters, sed uses different syntax.) Substitution expression needs a regular expression and a substitution string as an input:

For example, to replace the words "dog" in a text to "cat, just write s/dog/cat/g. That g at the end means that substitution is repeated until the regular expression cannot match. In the second part, you can refer to the matched subexpressions by \d, where d is a digit. \0 refers to the whole matched string. Thus the following swaps the first two words in the text:
s/([^[:blank:]]*)[[:blank:]]+([^[:blank:]]*)/\2 \1/

You can use it in listbox:
@list(s/([^[:blank:]]*)[[:blank:]]+([^[:blank:]]*)/\2 \1/,
     "Albert Einstein Dr.", "Isaac Newton", "Rudolf Kepler")
Here, the names in the listbox will appear in reverse order (this is common in Hungary) while the selected name will appear in the generated text in western style.

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3.4.3 Transliterations

Transliteration is a very simple operation which replaces some characters with some others.
This replaces a with d, b with e, c with f.

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3.5 Using text manipulation in grammar rules

If you put some substitution or transliteration expressions on the beginning of the right side of a rule, those are executed each time when text is generated with that rule. This means that for
no_jim_and_joe -> s/Jim/Peter/g s/Joe/Peter/g tr/+/-/ @string;
If the user writes Jim or Joe into the input box, it is replaced with Peter, and plus signs are changet to minus when the text is generated.

You can only mention s/// and tr/// operations just after the arrow of a rule, but any number of such expressions can be written there. They are executed from right to left, as it is expected naturally (in my opinion).

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4. Examples

If you write your own grammars, and you think they might be useful for others, please send them to me terek@users.sourceforge.net, I will put them to the main Kaptain site.

4.1 Sound recording  
4.2 Creating archives  
4.3 Calling perl  

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4.1 Sound recording

Let's record from the microphone connected to the computer. The command is
terek@fido:~$ dd count=5 bs=8 < /dev/audio > myfile.au
It would be better to see a beautiful dialog. The grammar
start:framed -> "dd count=" count " bs=" size "k <" input " > " output ;
count "Number of blocks" -> @integer=5 ;
size "Size of blocks (k)" -> @integer=8 ;
input "Input device" -> audio | dsp ;
audio "Audio" -> "/dev/audio" ;
dsp "DSP" -> "/dev/dsp" ;
output "Output file" -> @outfile("*.au");

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4.2 Creating archives

Here is a simple grammar, just witten in 5 minutes (may contain errors, check before you try to use it!)

start "Tar" -> tar buttons;

tar -> "tar " choice " " opt archive " " files;
opt:framed :horizontal  -> extropt createopt ;

createopt "Write options" -> dump remove verb comp;
extropt "Read options" -> noerr keep same abs;

dump "Dump files, not just symlinks" -> "--dereference " | @;
noerr"Ignore failed read" -> "--ignore-failed-read " | @;
keep "Keep existing files" -> "-k " | @;
same "Extract all protection information" -> "-p " | @;
abs "Absolute path names" -> "-P " | @;
remove "Remove files after adding to archive" 
   -> "--remove-files " | @;
verb "Verbosely list files proceeded" -> "-v " | @;

comp -> compress | @;
compress "Compression" -> gzip | bzip;
gzip "gzip" -> "-z ";
bzip "bzip2" -> "--use-compress-program bzip2 ";

choice:framed  -> work;
work "Main choice" -> concat | ! create | diff | del | append 
                     | list | update | extract;
concat "Append to archive" -> "A";
create "Create archive" -> "c";
diff "Find differences between archive and file system" -> "d";
del "Delete from archive" -> "-delete";
append "Append to the end of an archive" -> "r";
list "List contents" -> "t";
update "Update archive" -> "u";
extract "Extract from archive" -> "x";

archive "Archive name" -> @infile;

files "Files to work with" -> @string ;

buttons :horizontal -> @action(tar)="OK" @close="Cancel";

It looks like this: <#if output="html">

This produces a command like
tar c --remove-files --use-compress-program bzip2 files.tar *.cpp *.h

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4.3 Calling perl

Kaptain can generate various texts, such as complicated pipes or a piece of perl code. To create your encrpyted password, use the perl command:
print crypt('passwd','sa')."\n";

Let's make the grammar:

start "Password encrypter" -> code @action("perl","-e",code)="Crypt";
code:framed -> "print crypt('" passw "','" sa q%')."\n"% ;
passw "Password" -> @string="notsimple";
sa "Random chars(2)" -> @string(2)="y4";

Notice that the @action has three parameters; the perl compiler is called without the shell, having two parameters: -e and the evaluated text of code;

Simple but great:

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5. External Control

This chapter describes the communication with the dialog in Kaptain.

The most interesting new feature in Kaptain 0.7 is the possibility of modifying the data in the widgets while Kaptain is running. For this, Kaptain needs a communication channel, which can be some network communicaton, redirection to an other program (using pipes) or the standard input and output.

On a communication channel Kaptain can recieve messages. There are two kinds of messages:

  1. Setting message: This can be sent to rules that contain exactly one special symbol on the right side. A message consists of two parts: first comes a nonterminal name, which specifies the target of the message. This should be followed by a the real message (till the end of that line), which can be in fact anything that can be written after the special symbol you are refferring to by the rule. For example, having a rule like
    number -> @string
    then you can send a message like
    and the string input field will be set to the given value.

    Thus the general form of a setting message is:
    The later one is the simplified form, i.e., when no parameters are given. This was the case in the example above.

    See section 7. Reference of Special Symbols for a detailed overview of the possible parameters and initial values for a given type of special symbol.

  2. Asking message: If a nonterminal is followed by a question mark in a message sent to Kaptain on a communication chanel, Kaptain sends back the generated text by the given nonterminal in the following form:
    start?                                          <- to Kaptain
    start!<...here comes the generated text...>     <- from kaptin
    This way data can be retrieved at any time from the widgets.

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6. Errors

Kaptain reads the given file and parses the grammar according the rules in 3. Grammar Scripts.

If Kaptain finds something that is not according the rules described in this manual, it either signals an error or just a warning.

For example, warnings are generated if string, regular expressions, or other language constructs are opened but not closed till the end of the line. This is often handy when typoes are made in the grammar script.

On the other hand, Kaptain might find syntax error, and it immediately stops. In this case, the name of the last rule that was read successfully is printed together with its line number. Thus one has to look at the errors after the last correct rule. The most usual mistake is that the closing semicolon is forgotten from the end of a rule.

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7. Reference of Special Symbols

creates an integer input field with up and down arrows, which can be used to increase or decrease the number in the field. Two integer parameters are accepted, these are the minimum and maximum values. Initial value can be an integer, too. For example,
will create an integer input which can store a number between -10 and 20, and is initially set to 4. The minimum and maximum value default to 0 and 99, respectively, while the uninitialized field is set to 0.

This object evaluates to the value of the input field.

makes a one-line input field. If an integer parameter is given, the maximum length of the string is bounded by that number. For example,
creates an input field with `Hello' inside, allowing strings of at most 20 characters.

This object evaluates to the value of the input field.

makes a line input field than can contain a real number. Initial value should be given in quotes if it contains other characters than numbers, for example @float="1.13".

This object evaluates to the value of the input field.

Similar input field to @string, but the regular expression parameter is used to control the string that is entered. For example, @regexp(m/^[ab]*$/) enables only characters a and b to be entered. Initial string value is processed if it matches the regular expression.

This is identical to `@string', the only difference is that the characters are not shown; an asterix appears like in usual password input fields.

These specials generate a list box, a combo box or a writable combo box, respectively. Each given parameter is inserted into the box if it is a number or a string. If a multi-line string occurs, every line is inserted as a separate item. Thus @list("hello",`ls`,"bye") creates a list box containing the files from the current directory, and two more lines: `hello' and `bye'.

If the given initial value is a number, it indicates which line should initially be selected. In case of a string, the first occurrence of that string is highlighted. Finally, if a regular expression is given as an initial value, the first line matching that regular expression will be selected.

If a substitution expression comes in the parameter list, it is applied to the following string parameters until a new substitution parameter is reached. This is useful to make different text in the dialog box than that appears in the generated text. For example, in @list(s/^.*://,"a:A","b:B","c:C") only the text after the colon is inserted into the list box, and the whole string is used when the symbol is evaluated. Note that the initial value selection described in the previous paragraph is made by comparison to the original strings, not the modified ones that appear on the screen.

The @list and @combo objects evaluate to the line from which the currently selected line was generated using substitutions. The @combow evaluates the line in the combo widget.

Places a simple push button with label given as initial value. The label can be an image, if a filename is given in braces, like @button="{ok.png}". creates a push button using the given initial value. If the value is in the form of "{filename}", then it is considered to be a pixmap file, otherwise the initial value is used as a text label. For example @button="OK" creates a simple push button with label `OK'.

One push button in a dialog can be the default button: This can be achieved by putting a space to the beginning of its name. For example, a default ok button is created for the following code: @button=" OK".

Creates a button, which closes the current dialog when pressed.

Synchronous execution. When this button is pressed, the given command is executed. During the execution, the button is disabled.

Asynchronous execution. When this button is pressed, the given command is started in the background, without any effect to the dialog.

Final execution. When this button is pressed, the given command is started and Kaptain quits immediately.

This is similar to `@exec', the only difference is that Kaptain only closes the current dialog. In the topmost dialog, this has the same effect as `@exec', since Kaptain quits when it closes the topmost dialog.

Creates a button, which causes the generated text to be printed to the standard output.

Creates a similar button to `@echo', but Kaptain quits after printing the generated text to the standard output.

This button causes the synchronous execution of the given command, when pressed. The standard output of the executed command is captured and stored. Later, this symbol evaluates to the stored text. This is the only button-like special that can evaluate to nonempty text.


Creates a push button, which shows up a new dialog when pressed. The new dialog contains the code generated for a given nonterminal. The accepted parameters are the following: the nonterminal,font descriptor(string), minimum width and height (integers) and the closing button's text.

These special symbols generate a line input field together with a push button. When the button is pressed, a file or directory choosing dialog appears. The name of file selected by the user is then inserted into the input field. @infile stands for a file open dialog, while @outfile for file saving dialog. Using @directory, one can select an existing directory.

The initial value given to these symbols is inserted to the input field at startup. When the button is pressed, the dialog is starting on the file/directory currently specified in the input field, if exists.

The file-like specials (@infile, @outfile) accept one string argument. It can be a filter for the file selection dialog. An example for a multiple filter is the following:
The separators between filter groups can be either double semicolons or newline characters.

A complete example for @infile:
If no filter is specified, all files can be selected. In case of no initial value, the current directory is the starting point.

These items evaluate to the text in the input field.

Creates two buttons and a list box. The first parameter should be a nonterminal symbol, the following two strings are interpreted as the labels for the buttons. When the first button is pressed, the given nonterminal symbol is evaluated, and the generated text is inserted as a line into the list box. When the second button is pressed, the current line is removed from the list box. Button names default to `Add' and `Remove'.

This object is useful in cases when recursion is needed in the grammar. (In Kaptain, recursion is forbidden.) For example, if one or more file name is needed, one can write this:
filename -> @infile; box -> @container(filename);
The container evaluates to its contents, its lines are simply concatenated.

Creates a multi-column table with the given data filled. If the first parameter is a regular expression (m/.../), all the following string parameters are matched against this expression. Each such string parameter stands for one line, which is separated according to the regular expression.The subexpressions matched form the columns of the given row. If there is no regular expression, the rows are separated at the tab characters.

The forthcoming string parameters are the rows of the table, except the first one, which is specially the header. Initial value, if an integer is given determines the selected element in the table.

The @multicol special symbol generates to the content of the selected row.
@multicol("Header 1\tHeader 2","data\tdata\tdata","abc")=1;
@multicol(m/([^ ]+) ([^ ]+) ([^ ]+)/,"1 2 3","a b c",
          "xx yy zz")=0;

Inserts some stretchable space into the dialog. No other functionality, evaluates to empty string.

This special symbol creates slightly sunken box in the dialog with the given text inside. The text to be displayed is the concatenation of the initial value and all the string parameters. Since it has no functions, it is only good for informing the user.

This object evaluates to the empty string.

Displays an image in the dialog. The first parameter should be string, which is the name of a graphic file. Several file formats are recognized. From Qt's manual:
Qt currently supports the following image file formats: PNG, BMP, XBM, XPM and PNM. It may also support JPEG, MNG and GIF, if specially configured during compilation. The different PNM formats are: PBM (P1 or P4), PGM (P2 or P5), PPM (P3 or P6).

Icons evaluate to empty string.

This is a multi-line text editor field. Initial value is inserted, it can be a multiline text, too. The first parameter, if it is a string, is treated as a font name, Kaptain tries to set the editor font. The next two parameters of integer type can be specified to set the minimum width and height for the editor field, in pixels. For example, @edit("lucidatypewriter",300,200)="Hello,\nEditor!" creates an editor field of 300@times200 pixels, using a nice font.

If the given font name starts with a minus sign, it is treated as an XLDF (X Logical Font Description). Note that Qt does not handle wildcards in font descriptions, nor the aliases at this time. A fully specified font looks like this:

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A. Reference of Modifiers

Modifiers always begin with a colon and are related to the nonterminal after which they appear. For example:

start :framed :horizontal -> a b c ;

means that a, b and c are placed horizontally one by one, and each is in a frame.

Modifiers usually have effect on the appearence of the dialog.

Makes the child widgets to appear in a frame.

Makes the child widgets to appear on different tabs.

Makes the child widgets to appear horizontal one by one, instead of the default vertical arrangement.

Makes the child widgets to appear in reverse order. That is down to top if :horizontal is not present, otherwise right to left.

The nonterminal will evaluate to an empty string. It is useful when you use a @string input field by a @container, and you want to have only those items which were inserted into the container.

Place child elements in two rows or columns. It is useful when you have many radio buttons.

Place child elements immediately to the right of the label of this rule (if it's a radio button or check box), not below as by default. Use it in the similar situations as this:
number :beside "Number" -> @integer | @ ;

Create a pushbutton, which if pressed, makes a subdialog to appear with the right side of the rule.

Create a pushbutton, which stands for a subdialog, having all the nonterminals from the right side as pages in a so called Wizard dialog (with Next, Back, Cancel and Finish buttons). Must be on a conjunctive rule.

Places all children in a tree widget. If the children are also marked with :tree, they will appear on the second level in the tree. Look at the example grammar for indent. This is a very good way to place a great amount of structured information in the dialog. Checkboxes and radio buttons can appear in the tree, but if other things are present, they will be placed under or beside the QListView object. Use it with :beside if you want to create things like KControlCenter. If the label of the tree item is like {icons/my.gif}Text", then the picture mentioned between the braces will be placed beside the Text--this can be very attractive.

Together with :tree, it makes a second column appear in the TreeView where the tooltip information is placed.

Creates a widget stack, which means all chind widgets of the corresponding rule are located in the same area, and only one is visible. To control which one is on the top of the stack (that is, visible) external communication can be used. See section 5. External Control.

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Concept Index

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Index Entry Section

action7. Reference of Special Symbols
Asking message5. External Control

Backquotes3.3 Quotations
besideA. Reference of Modifiers
button7. Reference of Special Symbols

Cersion2. Invoking Kaptain
Client socket2. Invoking Kaptain
close7. Reference of Special Symbols
Comments3. Grammar Scripts
Communication channels5. External Control
container7. Reference of Special Symbols
Context-free grammar1. The Concepts of Kaptain

detailedA. Reference of Modifiers
dialogA. Reference of Modifiers
Dialog box1. The Concepts of Kaptain
doubleA. Reference of Modifiers
Double quotes3.3 Quotations
dump7. Reference of Special Symbols

echo7. Reference of Special Symbols
edit7. Reference of Special Symbols
exec7. Reference of Special Symbols
execclose7. Reference of Special Symbols
External control5. External Control

fill7. Reference of Special Symbols
float7. Reference of Special Symbols
fork7. Reference of Special Symbols
Formal languages3.1 Grammars
framedA. Reference of Modifiers

Generating text3.1 Grammars
Grammar1. The Concepts of Kaptain
Grammar script1. The Concepts of Kaptain
Grammar scripts3.1 Grammars
Grammars3.1 Grammars

help2. Invoking Kaptain
horizontalA. Reference of Modifiers

icon7. Reference of Special Symbols
infile7. Reference of Special Symbols
integer7. Reference of Special Symbols

Language3.1 Grammars
list7. Reference of Special Symbols

Multiline quotes3.3 Quotations

No input2. Invoking Kaptain
No output2. Invoking Kaptain
noevalA. Reference of Modifiers
Nonterminal symbol3.1 Grammars

password7. Reference of Special Symbols
Perlish exection quotes3.3 Quotations
Perlish single quotes3.3 Quotations
Pipe2. Invoking Kaptain

Quotations3.3 Quotations

regexp7. Reference of Special Symbols
Regular expression based substitution3.4.2 Substitutions
Regular expression's subexpression3.4.1 Regular expressions
Regular expressions3.4.1 Regular expressions
reverseA. Reference of Modifiers

Scripts3.1 Grammars
Sentence3.1 Grammars
Server socket2. Invoking Kaptain
Setting message5. External Control
Single quotes3.3 Quotations
Special symbol3.2 Special symbols
stackA. Reference of Modifiers
Standard input2. Invoking Kaptain
string7. Reference of Special Symbols
Subexpression3.4.1 Regular expressions
Substitution3.4.2 Substitutions

tabbedA. Reference of Modifiers
Terminal symbols3.1 Grammars
Test mode2. Invoking Kaptain
text7. Reference of Special Symbols
Text generation3.1 Grammars
transliteration3.4.3 Transliterations
treeA. Reference of Modifiers

wizardA. Reference of Modifiers

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[Top] [Contents] [Index] [ ? ]

Table of Contents

1. The Concepts of Kaptain
2. Invoking Kaptain
3. Grammar Scripts
3.1 Grammars
3.2 Special symbols
3.3 Quotations
3.4 Regulas expressions and translations
3.4.1 Regular expressions
3.4.2 Substitutions
3.4.3 Transliterations
3.5 Using text manipulation in grammar rules
4. Examples
4.1 Sound recording
4.2 Creating archives
4.3 Calling perl
5. External Control
6. Errors
7. Reference of Special Symbols
A. Reference of Modifiers
Concept Index

[Top] [Contents] [Index] [ ? ]

Short Table of Contents

1. The Concepts of Kaptain
2. Invoking Kaptain
3. Grammar Scripts
4. Examples
5. External Control
6. Errors
7. Reference of Special Symbols
A. Reference of Modifiers
Concept Index

[Top] [Contents] [Index] [ ? ]

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where the Example assumes that the current position is at Subsubsection One-Two-Three of a document of the following structure:

This document was generated by Terek Zsolt on August, 14 2002 using texi2html